thermal contact resistance

英 [ˈθɜːml ˈkɒntækt rɪˈzɪstəns] 美 [ˈθɜːrml ˈkɑːntækt rɪˈzɪstəns]

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  1. The application of thermal contact resistance in the mechanical engineering and the design of machine tools is discussed.
  2. Experimental research on the thermal contact resistance between Cu-Cu in vacuum and low temperature
  3. Theoretical Analysis of Thermal Contact Resistance Between Solid Interfaces
  4. An analytic thermal contact resistance model based on classical heat conduction theory and the advanced M-B fractal model is developed under some hypotheses.
  5. Through analysing the micro-features and the contact deformation of the machined surfaces, a theoretical algorithm for computing the multi-point thermal contact resistance is developed.
  6. According to the experiment results, the formula used to calculate the thermal contact resistance was adjusted.
  7. A new model of thermal contact resistance based on the statistic characteristic of roughness profile is proposed in this paper.
  8. On the basis investigation of thermal contact resistance developed in the world, the development on thermal contact resistance and thermal conductive filler is briefly introduced.
  9. Concept of Thermal Contact Resistance and Influences of Hysteresis and Tangential Stress
  10. The experimental principles and equipment of thermal contact resistance were introduced.
  11. Effect of thermal contact resistance on the cook-off time of solid rocket motor
  12. Thermal Contact Resistance in Mechanical Structures
  13. Theoretical prediction and experimental investigation of finned tubes thermal contact resistance
  14. Finally, ANSYS software is used to analyzed the variation of tip clearance with the method of cyclic symmetry analysis when engine works under the conditions of temperature and rotational speed, AM using a new method to deal with thermal contact resistance in the calculation.
  15. The mechanism of thermal contact resistance is discussed in detail, and influences of hysteresis and tangential stress on this resistance are studied experimentally and theoretically.
  16. The temperature range available for research is extended. Some experiment data of thermal contact resistance between aluminum, stainless steel, and copper were got from 100K to 300K. The relationships of thermal contact resistance to interface load and temperature were analyzed.
  17. The mathematical model of the process of thermal storage in the solar and ground source heat pump is set up. In solving the model, the pipe wall of the exchanger and the thermal contact resistance are considered, and the synthetic coefficient of heat exchange is defined.
  18. In this paper, thermal conductivity of reinforced plastic and thermal contact resistance between reinforced plastic and copper were measured using steady heat flow method under different temperature.
  19. The effect of contact interfaces on thermal contact resistance at low temperature and vacuum
  20. Measurement of Electrical and Thermal Contact Resistance of Thermoelectric Device
  21. Experiment Research for the Interfacial Thermal Contact Resistance
  22. In this paper, the temperature difference induced by thermal contact resistance between two semi-infinite long cylinders at low temperature and vacuum has been studied theoretically, in the meantime, some useful calculation expressions are presented.
  23. Thermal Contact Resistance and Thermal Conductive Filler
  24. The work environment of spacecraft with a high Ma number is a high temperature and pressure air flow, and then the thermal contact resistance between spacecraft components is a key parameter of thermal response.
  25. The result show that: the method that bonding adsorbent and adsorbent bed by adhesive is feasible, and it can effectively reduce the thermal contact resistance between adsorbent and metal heat exchanger surface. 4.
  26. Many theoretical and steady experimental studies were developed, and researchers consistently agreed that the constriction of heat flow at the rough contact surface causes thermal contact resistance.
  27. Heat transfer within the substrate is by conduction alone. Thermal contact resistance at the droplet-substrate interface is included in the model.
  28. To consider the difference, ensure the reliabilty of the investigation on thermal contact resistance, first, the thermal diffusivity on the copper, stainless steel and aluminium is studied at photothermal experimental platform.
  29. When the power of electronics is small, the thermal contact resistance can be ignored.
  30. Precise measurement of thermal conductivity has important function for material selection. A low cost test setup for measuring thermal contact resistance was built in this paper, which is simple and easily operated compared with the existed apparatus.